For medical technology

For medical technology

The Secret World of SaaS – Get to know its benefits

The Secret World of SaaS – Get to know its benefits

Find out why and how you can future-proof your company with SaaS, why SaaS is relevant for you as a decision-maker and how you can avoid long ERP project times.

Webinar Efficient medical technology service: The focus is on KUMAVISION medtec365 Service module with Microsoft Dynamics 365

Efficient medical technology service: The focus is on KUMAVISION medtec365 Service module

How to organize your repair service with the industry software KUMAVISION medtec365 Plan, control and evaluate digitally throughout – from service contracts to service intervals and maintenance plans to pricing and invoicing.

Webinar KUMAVISION medtec365 and ECM - innovation for quality management in medical technology

Innovation for quality management in medical technology: KUMAVISION medtec365 and ELO ECM

How to completely digitalize and automate your quality management throughout the entire product life cycle: The integration of the ELO ECM suite into the ERP industry software KUMAVISION medtec365.

Webinar Modern Workplace Medical Technology

Modern Work with Business Central and KUMAVISION medtec365

What is actually behind “Modern Work”? And what advantages does this offer for my company? This webinar recording will give you answers with numerous practical examples for medical technology companies.

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