Microsoft Dynamics 365 CRM

Microsoft Dynamics 365 CRM

CRM solutions at a glance

Microsoft Dynamics 365 CRM

CRM solutions at a glance

With Microsoft Dynamics 365 Simply switch to the fast lane with CRM in marketing, sales and customer service

Customer loyalty and customer satisfaction are among the most important factors influencing long-term corporate success. Customer retention has long since ceased to be purely a matter of sales, but affects all areas of the company that interact directly with customers and markets. Globalization has made customer relationship management more challenging, but digitization offers completely new opportunities and possibilities for customer loyalty.

Microsoft Dynamics 365 Customer Engagement is the ideal digital CRM platform for customer orientation in sales and service as well as the basis for the successful marketing of products and services.

Microsoft Dynamics 365 Sales for sales processes and sales management

Your benefits

  • A central digital workplace with all Microsoft 365 & Dynamics 365 product families
  • Microsoft Teams as a platform for comprehensive teamwork
  • Acceleration of processes and relief from time-consuming routine tasks
  • Bundling of know-how through a 360 degree view of customers and markets
  • Targeted use of competencies
  • scalability and security

Use the opportunities of digitization for your customer loyalty

The brave new online world has expanded the possibilities for active customer relationship management and successful market development many times over. Without digitization, the entire keyboard can practically no longer be operated. That is why successful customer-centric companies have long relied on digital processes and technologies. They bundle their know-how through teamwork, automate processes and, above all, intelligently use all available data about customers and target markets.

Microsoft Dynamics 365 Customer Engagement product family gives you a uniform digital platform for all areas of the company that are constantly in direct contact with customers and markets. It includes best practice processes for sales, marketing and customer service and, through automation, creates more freedom for creativity and customer proximity.

Thanks to the seamless integration into the Microsoft 365 product family, your employees do not have to learn another new software tool, but remain directly in their familiar working environment. Since mobility, teamwork and a 360-degree view of customers and markets are among the key success factors in customer relationship management, the digital workplace with Microsoft Teams is the central platform for all activities with and for your customers.

For a 360 degree view of customers and markets, all information and activities relating to each customer and each contact are collected centrally. In addition to team telephony, email, chat and video conferences, interactions with customers via communication channels such as WhatsApp, social media platforms, portals and apps are also recorded - so no inquiry, order or feedback and complaints go unnoticed.

The Cloudinfrastructure there are no limits to your growth. You can easily try out new business models or markets without investing heavily in infrastructure expansions, and you can also flexibly register or deregister employees. In addition, you no longer have to worry about the security of your servers and data.

Microsoft Dynamics 365 Customer engagement at a glance:
Sales, Marketing, Customer Service and Field Service

Successful marketing campaigns with Microsoft Dynamics 365 Marketing

How do successful companies manage to continuously increase their level of awareness and reach exactly the right target groups with the right speeches?

Read here how you can better reach your markets with target group-oriented marketing campaigns and constantly fill your sales pipeline with fresh leads:

Icon Microsoft Dynamics 365 Marketing
Icon Microsoft Dynamics 365 Sales

Advantage in competition with Microsoft Dynamics 365 Sales

In global competition, efficient sales processes are just as crucial to success as the right solution for the customer's needs. Here's how you can best equip your sales teams for the competition and turn sales opportunities into successes:

100% customer satisfaction with Microsoft Dynamics 365 Customer Service

Greater customer loyalty through first-class service: not only when service is required, but also through proactive, forward-looking customer support.

Here you can find out how to provide your service team with the best possible conditions for perfect customer service:

Icon Microsoft Dynamics 365 Customer Service
Icon Microsoft Dynamics 365 Field Service

Perfect customer service with Microsoft Dynamics 365 Field Service

With a perfectly organized and optimally prepared customer service, you can turn an emergency into an experience.

Find out here how you can optimize your customer service and prevent damage through predictive maintenance:

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CRM solutions from KUMAVISION

Flyer CRM solutions with Microsoft Dynamics 365 CRM

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Your partner KUMAVISION: Our know-how for digital customer relationship management in medium-sized companies

From more than 25 years of business activity, we know only too well that customer relationship management is a key success factor for companies. Without unconditional market and customer orientation, our customers would not be world champion exporters and the motor of the German economy. This also applies to us as a medium-sized service company.

In order to meet the exact requirements of our customers, over the years we have developed in-depth expert knowledge and pragmatic solutions for the digital workplace in the customer-centric areas of the company with our customers from various industries.

From the large number of projects, we know which levers and levers lead to success in the respective processes. In addition to the technical and professional expertise, we also have the necessary instinct for the organizational and cultural change processes. Because digitization is only successful when people work in a team with the digital tools and recognize and use the added value.

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