LGA Bavaria

  • We were only able to achieve such a short time-to-value because KUMAVISION had competent employees on the one hand and reliable methods and tools for project implementation on the other.
  • Elmar Bauernfeind, Head of the Digitalization and Systems Department at the LGA

The LGA Landesgewerbeanstalt Bayern only had 3 months to introduce new ERP software - including industry-specific features. KUMAVISION accepted the challenge.

Company's Profile

  • Services such as structural engineering advice, structural analysis and testing
  • Employees: approx. 300
  • Headquarters: Nuremberg and another 22 locations in Bavaria


  • Building a completely new IT landscape
  • A modern ERP software that also reflects the special features of the project business
  • Short-term introduction


  • The ERP solution from KUMAVISION based on Microsoft Dynamics best covers the requirements of the industry
  • KUMAVISION as a partner with appropriate competence and suitable human component

Implemented solution

  • KUMAVISION ERP industry software for project service providers based on Microsoft Dynamics 365

